"Untitled" acrylic on canvas (approx. 27" x 35") |
I finished this painting two nights ago and am actually (surprisingly) pleased with myself. I'm usually not satisfied with my work, but I am really liking how the color story and texture has developed.
I'm honestly not really sure what this painting means to me (yet). Another unusual characteristic. Normally, when I paint something abstract I know where I am going or I know where I went. But this kind of just happened and just is. Hence, the unoriginal use of "Untitled".
Because there isn't much to say I figured I would share some FUN FACTS about my experience with this piece.
Sources of inspiration:
1. Will Baras. Absolutely, head over heels in love with his work. Seriously, check him out, you will not be disappointed http://www.willbarras.com/. He was first bought to my attention via BOOOOOOOM! (Please also check out BOOOOOOOM!) Watch this video around the 1:15 mark and be totally amazed.
HBTV: POW WOW Hawai'i 2011 - Part 2 from HBTV on Vimeo.
2. This print. It's a shirt/dress I own (fairly unexciting compared to the above but awesome shirt nonetheless).
The soundtrack:
I always listen to music when I paint. It puts me in some kind of relaxation, zen-like, zombie trance. It's the best feeling. Here's what I listened to (all are highly recommended):
1. Bon Iver "Bon Iver" (Stream here)
2. Boards of Canada "The Campfire's Headphase"
3. Balam Acab "Wander / Wonder" (Listen here)
Stages of development:
I like looking back and watching how a painting has developed. So, lately, I have been taking pictures of the process along the way. To me, it's like watching a thought process, I dig it. Please, don't mind my horrid photog skills.
And at last... fini.